Art and Telematics: Towards a Network Consciousness
When thinking about Arts Education (visual, music, dance and drama) I am asking myself where are we. This is the only thing I seem to be asking. Perhaps I am dumbfounded at having been institutionalized and complicit in helping those constructs continue. It has taken stepping back from it all and pulling at the string attached to the ball of yarn to realize the mess that can't be untangled. Or can it? I really don't know. Having read all the rhetoric from the art educator's perspective... crying to be heard and understood. Going as far to provide scientific evidence that the Arts improve test scores. Using the only valid currency (science) to validate the only "true" markers of education, the test score. I have looked at the need for certain elements to be reintroduced into education to help round out the student and to "flex" all their learning muscles so speak. And I have looked through Roy Ascott's Telematic Embrace and my own assumption...