Learning and Memory

I can't remember a time in life when I wasn't learning. What is mean by learning, is this need to learn something more or something new. I thought about what has driven me to all the places I have found myself over the past 10 years and it has always been dependent on learning.

I am no longer interested or enamored by the educational institution, or rather what education has become. But I find myself exploring art and my art practice within in an educational institution. This MA at Sabanci isn't my first, but it is in a drastically different environment and context than the previous MA. I am attempting to continue learning about the complexities of myself and my art. hoping that I can find the support to do so within an educational framework. Perhaps I feel education at all levels has become hostile to those truly wanting to pursue learning. Perhaps education is the wrong place to put oneself if they truly want to learn. Yet, ironically I find myself here, with the uncanny sense that I should be.

I remember when I was studying traditional arts in London, I began with a deep want to learn. Retrospectively, I placed a lot of expectations on an institution related to how and what I wanted to learn. I was an idealist about learning and educational institutions. I attended this school as this was a place I thought I could learn certain skills nowhere else.

I thought for a while in order to answer Elif's question about what is most important to me. I came to the conclusion that learning was, but I quickly realized there was something more to learning, there were the memories that I had attached to the things I had learned as a sort of mnemonic device. I couldn't separate learning from memory. Even the language I have used above suggests there is a connection. My memory is very vivid and it can be easily recalled. When learning something new or more in depth I attached an event or thing significant in order to create a memory so that I can recall it in the future. I realized that I unconsciously create memories while learning in order to preserve that which had been learned.

I have a deep seated fear of stagnation which I attribute to no longer learning and an inability to recall my memory. Memory loss is an affliction that has plagued my family, mainly its female members. There is always a feeling of something lurking, waiting to pounce at family gatherings as the female members casually make sure everyone still has all their ''marbles''.

Learning is something that proves I am living. Recalling a memory proves that I am living.

I am trying to distinguish between learning and education and learning and memory and why these are important for me and what exactly the connections are.


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